Early Struggles

“Life before Lap-Band was a journey of its own, but it was a journey of not knowing who I was, it was chaotic, scary, lonely, and I felt isolated from the world.” Rona I is didn’t feel comfortable in his body. He was not confident in who he was and it took a toll on his health, “I was in a place where I had no idea what my life was at that moment and I just felt very sad because I was home alone a lot. I also felt very disconnected from my family!” His weight was becoming a larger problem, one that was affecting others around him.
Visual Confidence
Ronalis decided enough was enough, “I think what gave me that sense of confidence from wanting to do this was when I saw a picture of what I could become if I continue down this path. There were things that I’ve done already, but the endless cycle of gaining and losing weight, going to the gym, getting a nutritionist, none of that was working for me.” It can be demoralizing being in that cycle. Rona I is was not ready for another cycle and seeing himself in the future was a scary picture in his mind, so he knew he had to do something. “The Lap-Band Program was something that I kind of felt connected to, my life is about to change, and I want this change to happen now.”
An Easy Decision
“What I love about the Lap-Band is that it’s reversible and adjustable, and I liked that better than having my stomach stapled, where it’s a permanent procedure.” The custom fit each patient has for the Lap-Band really stands out to our patients. There is no comparison to the noninvasive and quick procedure of the Lap-Band. “There’s a port attached to my stomach, so the doctor is able to go in and adjust it to tighten or loosen my band, quickly, if needed.” All it takes is a quick check-in with one of our many Lap-Band specialists.
The Lap-Band Support System
With the help of the Lap-Band Program, Ronalis has found a clear route toward lasting weight loss.”! definitely feel very supported in the process after surgery, especially with the doctors that I’ve had.” Apart from having to go for checkups, Ronalis says he liked going, “I actually wanted to go once a month to see how much weight I was losing. I would also meet with my nutritionist to figure out my diet, why I was eating more, and why I was eating less.” The aftercare provided to Lap-Band Patients helps them to stay on track and continue their journey.