Fiona’s Motivation
Fiona, like many others, had always struggled to start her journey for weight-loss. She grew content with where her life was at, but one day something happened that made her change her life, “There was a time when I was speaking to one of my girlfriends on the phone and she was asking me a question and I said, “I have to get up to go look.” And I said, “Hold on, I can’t get off the sofa without rolling to the side to support myself to get up.” And she was like “Don’t you think this is the time to do something about this?”
Making a change

Fiona already had a great starting point, she said she had already done her research, “It didn’t seem so dramatic surgery-wise it seemed more of an available tool to help with losing weight than something that could be more permanent. I already knew all of them, but I recently knew of people that had the Lap-Band, so I was leaning towards more of that because I’d watched their transformation and was liking their results.”
Positive Outcome for Life
Fiona would not change a thing. She still is a big fan of what the Lap-Band program has done for her, “I would definitely recommend it to them. It’s a great tool to becoming more healthier physically and mentally and it is not as dramatic as other procedures. I feel it’s more accessible and easier to cope with because the other ones are so dramatic surgery-wise that the Lap-Band is a tool, a fantastic tool that I would advise to everyone.”
Extended Care
The support Fiona received from her Lap-Band specialists left a lasting impact on her, “You really do monitor your diet to make sure you get the-the right nutrients that your body needs and your doctor helps you through that as well. You monitor what you eat, which I think is great because you’re so restricted in your amounts at the beginning that you want to get the right nutrients for your body, which then sets a path for your future because everything’s changing now and you’re on the right path to living a healthier lifestyle food-wise.”