Debra’s Dieting Stalemate

Debra struggled on and off with her weight for years, “I think I was heavy starting in my teens and that’s when I first started dieting. You lose it for a while, and then you’d gain it back, it’s just a vicious cycle.” When Debra got to be 50, she was at her heaviest ever and thought “When is this going to end?” Years of this cycle repeating and hearing people speak about her weight had built up long enough so she knew she had to do something, but she needed help.
Her Safe Choice
Debra felt well prepared for her procedure because of her research on the Lap-Band, ” I went in feeling confident I wanted the Lap-Band. I knew I did not want stomach stapling surgery. That just felt too invasive and once you had that, there was no going back.” The ease of the Lap-Band and the inclusive program was too good to pass up. “I felt like the Lap-Band, if I needed it loosened or tightened, was just an office visit away. I didn’t have to take a long time off work for the surgery. A couple of days later, I was back at work, and it was just a better method for me.” The comfortable nature of the Lap-Band procedure and aftercare was all Debra needed to know it was the right choice for her.
Love What You Eat With Portion Control
As a self-proclaimed foodie, Debra knew the Lap-Band would allow her to keep her lifestyle, “I’m an Italian, so when you come from an Italian background you love to eat.” She told us the day she had the surgery she was back at home watching the food channel on television. “Because with the Lap-Band you can still eat anything you want, it will just limit the amount you want to eat.” Debra understands portion control is a big cause of her weight gain and being able to take control of that made a huge difference. “Diets didn’t work for me because I would go on them, and unless you’re committed to having that as a lifestyle, you’re going to start to give in and get back to your old habits. That’s why I knew that I needed something that was going to be permanent.”
Great Relationships
The complete Lap-Band Program is a very underrated aspect of the procedure, Debra says. The aftercare is managed closely by our team of Lap-Band specialists. “If I have a question, they’ll call in and just check on me. Especially if I’ve had an adjustment they’ll call me the next day.” This relationship with her team is something Debra does not take for granted. She will not hesitate to ask a question, but she has been doing so well for many years that she hasn’t needed to go too often. ” It’s been 9 and a half years and I rarely go, I rarely have adj ustments. I have no repercussions, I don’t even feel it in there.” The Lap-Band Program is more than j ust a device, it’s a team dedicated to your success.