Tammy's Lap-Band® Success Story - Lap-Band®
Tammy’s Story

Tammy Lost 110 lbs.

“Be ready for change, and be willing to change.”

Tammy's Lap-Band® Success Story

“You will be putting the control back in your hands to go build a life again and participate instead of letting it pass you by.”

Tammy’s ‘Take Control’ Moment

“My weight was always an issue, I was always the fat kid. From the time I was in kindergarten, I was the tallest and I was the fattest. I never dated and I even went to my prom by myself. All of the things you should be doing and should be learning as you grow up, I never learned and I never did.”

When my doctor said to me, “Tammy, you are 34 and if you don’t lose 100 pounds you’ll never live to see 64. I’m treating you what I treat 64 year olds for.” She scared me enough that I went from just looking at surgery to really investigating. A lot of doctors still have the belief that it’s a character flaw, that being overweight is the patient’s problem and that it’s not a medical issue, when a lot of it is a medical issue.

Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

I had my Lap-Band® Surgery and it took about 22 months to lose about 110 lbs. I previously had diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. I was on medications for everything, and almost all of these things will kill you. Now I don’t take medication for anything that will kill me. You’re not just looking for an easy way out, because anyone who tells you that about surgery does not know what they are talking about–come spend a day with me.

Control for a Lifetime

“The benefit of a Lap-Band over any of these other bariatric surgeries is that you have control over it and you can go as fast or as slow as you are able to keep up with. I would encourage people to have the courage to consider surgery because no matter what anyone else says, this is your life and no one else is going to live it for you. Life may be passing you by because you’re so overweight, and you have diseases or conditions that limit you. But having surgery will help stabilize all of that. You will be putting the control back in your hands to go build a life again and participate instead of letting it pass you by. Be ready for change. Be willing to change.”


Are you ready to transform your life with Lap-Band Program too?

Speaking with a Lap-Band Surgeon can help you resolve any questions or concerns you might have. If you are wondering if the Lap-Band Program is right for you, find a local surgeon today. Your weight-loss journey is right around the corner.

Important Lap-Band® System Safety Information

The ReShape Lap-Band Systems are approved for adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of at least 30 with health conditions related to obesity, who have not seen success with other weight loss methods, like supervised diet, exercise, and behavior modification programs. Choosing this surgery means committing to changes in eating habits for the long term.

The Lap-Band procedure is not approved for individuals under 18 yo, those with conditions that may make them poor surgical candidates or lead to poor results, such as inflammatory or cardiopulmonary diseases, problems with the stomach and digestion, symptoms or family history of autoimmune disease, scarring of the liver, individuals unable or unwilling to follow the necessary dietary restrictions, individuals with alcohol or drug addictions, or those currently pregnant. Individuals who become pregnant after band placement may require deflation of their bands.

The ReShape Lap-Band Systems, a long-term tool, may need to be adjusted if you get pregnant, sick, or malnourished. Be careful with anti-inflammatory drugs as they could make the band wear away. Like any surgery, placement of the Lap-Band may have complications such as risks from drugs and methods used, general surgery risks, how well your body handles a foreign object, or in rare cases, risk of death.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with metabolic and bariatric surgery that you and your doctor should discuss. Potential risks associated with the Lap-Band include nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach blockage, constipation, swallowing difficulty, diarrhea, abnormal stools, abdominal pain, weakness, incision pain, infection, fever, hernia, chest pain, band movement, stomach pouch expansion, unusual healing, pain at the port site, port movement, and/or hair loss. Additional surgery might be needed. Losing weight quickly could lead to complications requiring more surgery. 

Talk to your doctor, and/or visit our website at www.lapband.com/safety/ for more information on its benefits and risks.